Haroon Ashraf

The Skin and Gut Homeopath



Explore how homeopathy is distinct from

other systems of medicine and whether it can help you

Skin Testimonials

Welcome to Holistic Homeopathy Clinic

My name is Haroon Ashraf and I am a homeopath based in London, providing holistic homeopathy treatments to my clients. Although I specialise in treating skin and gut conditions, I also provide treatment for other conditions which I assess on a case by case basis. The homeopathic remedies offered to my clients are natural, safe and effective. The ultimate aim of my treatment is to provide a lasting cure, as opposed to conventional medical routes which offer treatments that can often be ongoing, long-term, and on which the patient remains chronically dependent.

Although primarily I provide online homeopathic consultations to my clients who prefer to speak with me from the comfort of their homes, I also hold face-to-face consultations at my clinic in West London near Ealing Broadway. The virtual appointments are held via FaceTime, Whatsapp, Zoom and other similar platforms as convenient to each client, with remedies delivered home via Royal Mail post.

Consultations are by appointment only. Please note that this may involve some wait time due to the waiting list.

Snippet from a recent case

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition characterised by incessant itching and excessive scaling of skin. It mostly occurs on the scalp, but can also affect face, back, chest and groin. Michael (not real name) consulted Holistic Homeopathy with distressing symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis few weeks ago. His skin condition was triggered by use of topical steroids which he had been prescribed to treat his eczema. Michael experienced intensive and near constant itching, excessive shedding of skin, and issues with body temperature regulation. Numerous tiny scabs also appeared on his scalp. He was unable to resist scratching his skin and scalp, causing damage to his skin. Bathing and periods of stress would exacerbate his symptoms. His quality of sleep, appetite and normal day to day life was seriously affected. He dreaded night-time, as his itching and other symptoms increased during that time.

We accepted his case at Holistic Homeopathy, recorded his existing symptoms as well as thoroughly looked into all the events which led to his existing condition. His dietary regime, lifestyle and gut health were assessed in order to evaluate the causative factors. Michael was prescribed a homeopathic protocol lasting a period of for four weeks. The photo shows his excellent response to four weeks' of homeopathic treatment.

Why Choose Homeopathy?

Society today suffers the pressures of modern living. Although the coronavirus pandemic has caused us to stop and focus on the way we live, it remains the case that we work longer hours than ever before, worry more and sleep less. Indeed, anxiety is a modern yet widespread issue. The constant stimulation offered by mobile devices and social media means that we remain connected, our minds never truly switch off, thus affecting our ability to concentrate, form memories and more importantly, truly relax. Homeopathy provides a holistic therapeutic strategy that understands the interaction of our emotions with physiological functions, and offers courses of treatment that cater to the individual’s unique set of circumstances.


Homeopathic remedies have been used for more than two hundred years with an excellent record of success in treating a wide range of ailments. Holistic homeopathy has achieved positive clinical results in numerous patients, sometimes as a last-resort approach when other interventions have failed.

How Can Homeopathy Help?

In homeopathy we find one of the most “peaceful” and non-invasive therapeutic systems. The aim of a homeopath is to understand not only the set of symptoms a client may be experiencing, but also his/her background, emotional makeup, and fears and anxieties, in order to provide a bespoke treatment regime.

As a holistic medical practitioner, my homeopathic treatment is not confined to just masking individual symptoms but aims to eliminate all disease symptoms including the susceptibility to certain conditions. The treatment aims to revitalise individual energy, and provide resistance against the worries and stress of modern life.

Healing Timeline

My clients usually report the beneficial effects of their bespoke homeopathic treatment within 2 - 4 weeks after they start working with me. Once the homeopathic remedy takes effect, a steady, progressive and consistent improvement ensues which is followed by a gradual relieving of symptoms. I usually ask my clients to observe improvements in their conditions on a weekly basis as this helps them to reflect on the efficacy of the treatment. The complete curative process may take up to 2-3 months and in some cases even longer. Some of my clients with chronic conditions have been working with me for years. Their conditions have progressively improved over time, required less frequent homeopathic treatment and, in some cases, only occasional interventions with consequent improvement in their quality of life. The type of condition and chronicity of course has a bearing on the healing timeline and therefore, I provide a healing timeline on a case to case basis. 

Honest Dialogue

While homeopathy has helped millions around the world to attain good health and a healthy state of wellbeing, it may not always be the most desirable choice of treatment for everyone. One should be careful not to view homeopathic treatment as a panacea for all medical issues.

During my consultations, I manage my clients’ expectations of homeopathic treatment and discuss any limitations that they may encounter. I make my clients fully aware if I feel that homeopathy can only be helpful as a supplementary form of treatment or if I feel some cases may not necessarily respond well to treatment. I only take those cases which I believe would gain a substantial and sustained benefit from homeopathic treatment.