Haroon Ashraf

The Skin and Gut Homeopath


Topical Steroid Withdrawal Treated with Homeopathy
  There are no agreed protocols in modern medicine for treatment of Topical Steroid Withdrawal , as it is not recognised as a distinct clinical entity. Patients seeking help for Topical Steroid Withdrawal are usually prescribed with more topical corticosteroids, which more often than not proves counterproductive. Patients, on the other hand have become more […]
Homeopathy for Dogs
In the course of practice, it is not uncommon for homeopaths to receive inquiries in relation to homeopathy treatments for pets, since clients’ desire to seek a natural, gentle and non-invasive treatment for their pets stems from their own positive experience of homeopathic care. It is not very well known that homeopathy is in fact […]
Homeopathy for Eczema
Although homeopathy has an impressive track record in treating a wide range of ailments, I have seen excellent results achieved in the treatment of a range of skin conditions, in the course of my practice. Often the patients who come to me have received conventional medical treatment for their skin conditions, but with varying levels […]
Topical Steroid Withdrawal
  Topical Steroid Withdrawal and Red Skin Syndrome generally describe the set of overlapping symptoms experienced after the prolonged use of topical steroids. Although these symptoms may be physically discomforting and emotionally offsetting, but there are no agreed protocols in conventional medicine to treat them. On the other hand homeopathy and other Complementary and Alternative […]