Haroon Ashraf

The Skin and Gut Homeopath


Solutions for Acne
Acne is not an easy condition to manage, especially if it persists beyond adolescence. Apart from causing physical discomfort, acne can have some psychosocial consequences causing low self-esteem, social isolation and depression. Sometimes using home remedies for acne and properly identifying those foods that affect acne is all that is needed to deal with this […]
Best Eczema Treatments
Eczema is a debilitating skin condition, having implications for the patients’ quality of life such as physical sufferings, issues of mental and social wellbeing, and sleep deprivation. A treatment strategy incorporating use of natural eczema remedies, and  precautions and preventions can help alleviate its distressing symptoms. Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is the most […]